Episode 317, The Rant: Speedy Claxton

Episode 317 March 26, 2021 00:20:17
Episode 317, The Rant: Speedy Claxton
The Rant
Episode 317, The Rant: Speedy Claxton

Mar 26 2021 | 00:20:17


Show Notes

Some 230 episodes ago, I sat down with Coach the first time. The state of the world is much different. In this pod, we reconnect with Speedy of what it was like in the beginning of the pandemic, what the end of season was like last year, what it was like this year, and what he’s learned in this whole time of pause. He also discusses the NY HS Madness tournament and how it has helped HS kids get discovered. All that and more, Part 2, Speedy, now.

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