Episode 335, The Rant: Corey Powell, Part 2, The Return.

Episode 335 August 06, 2021 00:45:27
Episode 335, The Rant: Corey Powell, Part 2, The Return.
The Rant
Episode 335, The Rant: Corey Powell, Part 2, The Return.

Aug 06 2021 | 00:45:27


Show Notes

As we revisit the bright acolyte, we celebrate this young man, riding around, reffing, and getting it. In this pod, we discuss how he hit my line, expressed he wanted all the smoke, getting all the reps he could get, since the flood gates of basketball officiating opened up; learning all he can -  all while finishing out his college years in playing.  All that and more, Corey Powell, part 2, the return, now. 

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