Episode 30, the Rant: Stewart Davis. Board 119 Legend, Madison Square Garden Clock Resetter, Collegiate Volleyball Official, Head Football Ref, Girl’s Lacrosse, and Flag Football Staple.

Episode 30 March 26, 2019 NaN
Episode 30, the Rant: Stewart Davis.  Board 119 Legend, Madison Square Garden Clock Resetter, Collegiate Volleyball Official, Head Football Ref, Girl’s Lacrosse, and Flag Football Staple.
The Rant
Episode 30, the Rant: Stewart Davis. Board 119 Legend, Madison Square Garden Clock Resetter, Collegiate Volleyball Official, Head Football Ref, Girl’s Lacrosse, and Flag Football Staple.

Mar 26 2019 | NaN


Show Notes

Stewart Davis lived a full life; so full, that it would be full if it were 2 decades ago. An accomplished official in Lacrosse, Flag Football, Volleyball, and Basketball, Stew discusses his love for sports, his addiction to thinking, and getting paid, resetting the shot clock at Knicks game, all the while having fun with it. Side bar, CONGRATS TO STEWART FOR ADDING FEDERATION BASKETBALL OFFICIAL TO HIS MANY ACCOLADES! My conversation with Stew, now. "You're ready. You did enough officiating out this park, you might as well get official" - Andre Jones

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