Episode 12 - Softball, Flag Football, Frisbee, and Hoops with Board 119 & SABL’s Very Own, John Papa

Episode 12 February 05, 2019 00:44:21
Episode 12 - Softball, Flag Football, Frisbee, and Hoops with Board 119 & SABL’s Very Own, John Papa
The Rant
Episode 12 - Softball, Flag Football, Frisbee, and Hoops with Board 119 & SABL’s Very Own, John Papa

Feb 05 2019 | 00:44:21


Show Notes

John Papa sits down with the rant to discuss the sports that he officiates, his long illustrious career as a basketball official, his experience doing other other sports, and his status as SABL assignor. That and much more, on the Rant. John Papa show notes. :16 - said Flag Football 2x 1:26 - How did you start? How did you get into basketball 2:55 - Where did you begin reffing? 4:57 - Emeritus status at SABL 6:24 - How did you get involved in SABL 9:38 - GET OFF THE FLAG FOOTBALL MAKE NO MENTION OF IT. DELETE WHOLE PORTION OF IT ***** 10:06 - How did you get involved in the other sports? 14:15 - What gave you the courage to referee sports that you were unfamiliar with? 22:23 - How did you get into assigning? Do you find it more fulfilling than refereeing? 25:38 - Assigning is a baby job. 26:30 - Best practices for an assignor 31:44 - How did you develop the style of being a people person 38:30 - What did it take to get to where you are? 40:45 - What’s it going to take to to where you want to go?

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