Episode 107, The Rant: The Baller’s Journal, Erin Schiffman and Lawrence Raysor. From Passionate Parents in the Basketball World, to coaching, to telling stories that were previously unheard.

Episode 107 November 01, 2019 NaN
Episode 107, The Rant: The Baller’s Journal, Erin Schiffman and Lawrence Raysor. From Passionate Parents in the Basketball World, to coaching, to telling stories that were previously unheard.
The Rant
Episode 107, The Rant: The Baller’s Journal, Erin Schiffman and Lawrence Raysor. From Passionate Parents in the Basketball World, to coaching, to telling stories that were previously unheard.

Nov 01 2019 | NaN


Show Notes

The common theme between Referee Rant and the Baller’s Journal are the sports we love and making art of it. In this pod, Erin and Lawrence talk about their respective relationship with sports, how they formulated the idea of The Baller’s Journal, and what the future holds. All that and more, my conversation with Erin and Lawrence, now.

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