Latest Episodes

Episode 377, The Rant: Shay Franklin - Part 3, The Return.
Full Disclosure, this isn’t the first time we recorded the trilogy. Part 3 was worth the wait. Shay pulls up to the chop shop,...

Episode 376, The Rant: Brenden Gilroy
Assistant Coach fot the Boy's Varsity Volleyball team at Kellenberg, and Head Coach for the Girl's Varsity Volleyball team at St. Mary's High School....

Episode 375, The Rant: Evan Mohammed: Part 2, The Return.
It's been a pandemic since we chopped it up. On a sideways rainy day, we discuss all the changes that has happened to him...

Episode 374, The Rant: Devin Ellerbe & Ralph the Ref
It’s been awhile! I chop it up with long time friend and developing multi sport official, Devin Ellerbe, where they talk about the Basketball...

Episode 373, The Rant: Jeremiah Gregory
Episode 373, The Rant: Jeremiah Gregory LIAFO Certified Football Official, NCLOA Certified Lacrosse Official, and IAABO Board 41 Basketball Official. I couldn't be more...

Episode 272, The Rant: Evan Barnes.
Board 127 Boy’s Certified Basketball Official, ready to tackle the basketball world, all the while taking officiating by storm. If there is one word...